How To Get Quick Delivery System AI – AI Fast

Quick Delivery System AI

Quick Delivery System AI is our brand new game changer in an ever changing landscape, after AI systems has been introduced and used overall in most fields and business, that’s why we introduce to you AI-Fast.

In this article we’ll talk more about Quick Delivery System AI, How to use AI-Fast, and AI-Fast features.

Quick Delivery System AI

Quick Delivery System AI also known as Ai-Fast is our new personal little helper that will make your business much easier, using advance mathematical algorithms it will classified all of your undelivered orders geographically according to the nearest branch or store.

Currently it’s still a demo version, but it will keep on growing and developing along with our services to provide you with all of the aid you need.

also read: Quick delivery system platform.

How to use AI-Fast

use Ai-Fast to categorized and classified your orders list, and it’s quite easy to access, since it’s included in your Quick Delivery System account from the start, without any additional costs.

you can find the AI-Fast tap right beside the orders waiting list, where you will find all the classes that have been made and the suggested centers or branches assigned for every class of orders.

also read: Where can I use the Delivery API interface.

AI-Fast features

AI-Fast features can’t be listed in a fixed maners, since it’s still in its demo version and expected to grow and develops furthermore in the future, but we will list some general features below:

  • Auto orders assigning for the closest employee to the order destination, with manual override option.
  • Breaking down the overall numbers of orders into different groups that can be managed more easily.
  • Classifying orders using advanced geographic algorithms, assigning each class of orders to the best possible route.

also read: Printing Order info without confirmation.

And in conclusion we’ve discussed In this article Quick Delivery System AI, How to use AI-Fast, and fainaly AI-Fast features.

Printing Order info without confirmation on google chrome

Printing Order info without confirmation on google chrome

Printing Order info without confirmation is very important feature that any store or delivery base business must use, in a few words most of the time the essential information of the order should be printed on the box or the package, of course for every printing process you must hit the confirm button, it won’t really matter for a small number of orders for sure, but when dealing with a large quantity of orders the total printing confirmation time will be a lot and it’s a tedious job honestly.

that’s why through pexcode blog we will discuses the importance of Printing Order info without confirmation, and how to Print Order info without confirmation.

Printing Order info without confirmation

Most of the times business owners needs Printing Order info without confirmation, because it will save them a lot of time and effort, so they don’t have to press the confirmation button for every single order printing operation.

Also read: a key to use quick delivery system API.

how to Print Order info without confirmation

So to Print Order info without confirmation you need to make some edits to your google chrome browser, and here’s what you need to do:

  1. Launch Chrome and check that you have the latest version (18.0.1 or higher)
  2. Type about:flags in the address bar and make sure that the Disable Print Preview flag is NOT enabled (Print preview must be enabled for Kiosk Printing to work).
  3. Close the browser.
  4. Find the browser shortcut on your desktop, right click and select ‘properties‘.
  5. Append the following text to the end of the target field: ‘–kiosk-printing‘.

    how to Print Order info without confirmation
    how to Print Order info without confirmation
  6. Save, and launch Google Chrome. It should now load in full screen (kiosk) mode
  7. The print preview will appear on your screen, but it will instantly send the file you want to your default printer.

Note that sometimes just closing chrome is not enough, so to make sure that chrome is off you need to Open task manager, go to processes, find Chrome, end the process, and then make the changes that we mentioned before.

Also read: use API Quick delivery system.

And in the end of our article, we’ve discussed the importance of Printing Order info without confirmation, and how to Print Order info without confirmation, and from pexcode blog we wish you the best.

Quick delivery system platform services

Quick delivery system platform


Quick delivery system platform is the simple and elegant management system that can be the best tool for store and business owners to fully achieve their company full potential orders delivery wise, because a successful and bulletproof business model includes not just good quality products, it also needs the best delivery logistics and employee’s management system.

And from Quick Delivery platform we present to you a breif about Quick delivery system platform, Quick delivery system services, and how to use the quick delivery system.

Quick delivery system

Quick delivery system platform is a platform that provides delivery management services for stores, e-restaurants, and all types of stores.
The platform main purpose is managing employees and customers requests using state of the art systems that guarantees a 24/7  tracking and management of orders and employees.
The platform also offers Quick Delivery application for delivery employees that monitors and facilitate all of your delivery operations using google maps services.

Quick delivery system services

Quick delivery system services contain the following main categories:

  1. overall and monthly statistics.
  2. Making and managing Orders.
  3. Tracking orders from start to finish.
  4. Administrative messages between employees.
  5. ِAPI for developers.

How can I use the quick delivery system

You can use the quick delivery system after registering for an account on our platform through this link quickdeliverysystem.

Basically you can manage your whole delivery system using our user-friendly interface, from getting orders from customers to manganing employees and distributing the orders to them, with a full time precision order tracking using google maps.

In conclusion we’ve presented to you a breif about Quick delivery system platform, Quick delivery system services, and how to use the quick delivery system, and from Quick Delivery we wish you the best.

Quick Services Guide for Delivery Companies Management

Delivery Companies Management

Delivery companies numbers are increasing among all communities as online shopping culture increases

Over time, the number of these companies has increased, but the techniques they use to manage their tasks and operations

have remained the same Although this market continues to grow

We have noted that traditional technologies and ways are still the same

among all delivery companies in general and even famous ones.

This includes not only the customer’s ordering mechanism but also the way the order is processed and delivered to the desired location.

On this basis, a group of software development experts at PEXCODE

have created a Quick Services platform, which provides delivery companies with all the services they need to manage their operations and orders

شركات التوصيل

How does the Quick Services Platform provide better Management for Delivery Companies and how does it work

Our new business model for delivery companies consists of 3 stages through which the delivery process is covered beginning from the creation of the order

by the customer, to the management of the order by the delivery company, and the actual delivery of the order by the delivery employee to the desired location

Our working plan begins with the Quick Order app which is used by the customer,

and the orders created using the app reach the Quick Services platform to the delivery company account to be processed and managed, and then the order reaches the delivery stage where the Quick Delivery application is used by the delivery employee to complete the delivery of the order to the desired address or location

Services provided for managing delivery companies :

First: The order review phase by the delivery companies management:

Quick Services شركات التوصيل

Quick Services platform

It can be considered the most important part of our list of services for delivery companies.
We facilitate the handling of the management processes involved in processing delivery requests from the order status follow-up,

to getting feedback reports about the delivery process and of course sending alerts and messages to the delivery staff,

improving the quality of work and saving time and effort in the delivery process.
An account is created for the delivery company that wants to benefits of our services on the platform
Quick Services offers many services at different levels, including:

At the level of staff management and orders:

  1. Create requests by the management staff or other applications associated with the platform
  2. Add and delete employees and manage their data
  3. Follow orders requests, order status and locations on Google Maps
  4. Follow employees and locate each employee individually in Google Maps
  5. Generate QR code per order for easy order tracking
  6. Cancel and delete requests easily
  7. Archive order records and statues of each request for return when needed
  8. redirecting applications between employees
  9. Direct an unspecified number of requests to each delivery employee
  10. Transfer more than one order request by one employee at the same time
  11. Adding an unlimited number of staff at the same time
    and sending administrative messages to staff collectively or to each staff member individually
  12. Notify employees of new requests and messages directly via Firebase – Socket IO
  13. Alerts management when a work violation occurs or when having undelivered orders
  14. Create a staff report and identify the most active employee in his work
  15. Direct online link between the company and all its employees with the management

At the level of dealing with fraud delivery requests:

  1. denying unwanted customers from creating requests by blocking phone number or customer name
  2. Automatically filter requests from unwanted texts and inappropriate words
  3. Automatically block spam orders

At the level of general management and marketing:

  1. Receiving delivery requests from external applications (Quick order – API interface – market – food store)
  2. Also Preparing the company profile so it can be closer to customers online
  3. Report and monitor statistics for orders and the customers
  4. Prepare the company’s e-payment system to provide it as an add-on service to the delivery company (the service is activated 3 months after the date of joining)
  5. Providing a website and profile to the company
  6. Provide SMS alert system (a separate monthly subscription to this service is required)
  7. Provide continuous support from Quick Services platform support to the company 24/7

The development of the Quick Services platform to improve performance and efficiency at PEXCODE’s hands-on without any additional charge required by the delivery company
To get access and try the control panel dashboard :


Second : The delivery phase

Delivery companies

Quick Delivery app

Most of the problems faced by delivery companies are caused by a misunderstanding of the information provided by the customer, especially with regard to the order delivering location

That’s why we provided Quick Delivery app with Google Maps to locate the designated delivery location, as well as keeping customer order information documented in the app in front of the delivery employee, customer and delivery company management.

And of course, Quick Delivery app is linked to Quick Services platform.

The services we provide to the delivery companies through Quick Delivery app:

  1. Provide Google Maps to Mark the source of the order request for the employee and also the delivery location of orders while providing Orders data in text form (customer address, phone and customer name)
  2. Simple and easy-to-use user interface for all employees
  3. Alert the employee when the order statues changes and when administrative messages received
  4. Provide profiles for employees in the app
  5. Each employee has a username and a password
  6. The type of delivery mechanism(car-bike-on foot) and the number of working hours for each delivery employee can be set by management
  7. Employee can report unwanted order requests
  8. The app can be downloaded through the Google Play Store or a direct link from our servers
  9. The delivery employee cannot create orders, he can only receive and deliver orders

To download the app and trying it via the direct link:

Quick Delivery

App Download link from Google Play Store:

Quick Delivery

This brings us to the end of the Quick Services platform services and applications guide for delivery companies.
For more information about our services, please visit
We always hope to be success partners with our customers and to be at their best expectations with our constant quest to make their lives easier and improving their work through the services we provide them with.
If you have any other questions or questions about our services, contact us in one of the following ways:
WhatsApp: 0000

Also read : Quick Service API Interface for Delivery Services

Quick Service API Interface for Delivery Services

Where can I use the Delivery API interface

For app developers, stores, and also small business owners we brought our new API service to make your life easier
So let’s say you have some morshindice in your store or storage and you’re looking for a way to make your sales grow large, so the first obvious choice is to offer delivery service to your products, but instead of going through the nightmare of hiring a full delivery staff and also buying a delivery bike or car you can just have the best and well-known delivery companies do it for you, and that’s where we came in with our API interface.

Where can I use the Delivery API interface

The API we offer is a service that you can add to your app
That connects you to one of the delivery companies that work with us,so basically it’s just a link you add to your app

API interface

What services can we provide to you with our API interface

-Provide a list of the available delivery companies you can choose from.
-providing you with the restaurants names and also locations via Google Maps.
-keep track of your business with reports and records we provide for each app you have, containing every successful and also unsuccessful delivery order plus the delivery company commutation info.
-alerting system to keep you informed of the orders status
-SMS notification system through a monthly paid subscription.

Is the delivery API interface safe to use? and is it fast

Yes and yes, throughout the delivery process, we make sure to keep track of the order handling method, so we can know if any penalties should be given to whoever is responsible for any hold-up fraud or misleading.
And misusing

API interface

Is it easy to use

Sure it’s, it contains 3 simple steps:
-creating the delivery request and also receiving it from the delivery company
-following up on the request by the delivery company staff
-delivering the ordered goods to the specified address

How can I get it

Just visit our website:
And take your business to the next level
also Contact us if you have any questions on:
