Our platform enables you to efficiently manage requests, create new ones, generate reports, and easily handle employee's management tasks, including adding and deleting staff members, With customizable levels of management, you have the flexibility to supervise operations according to your specific needs.
Printing Order info without confirmation is very important feature that any store or delivery base business must use, in a few words most of the time the essential information of the order should be printed on the box or the package, of course for every printing process you must hit the confirm button, it won’t really matter for a small number of orders for sure, but when dealing with a large quantity of orders the total printing confirmation time will be a lot and it’s a tedious job honestly.
that’s why through pexcode blogwe will discuses the importance of Printing Order info without confirmation, and how to Print Order info without confirmation.
Printing Order info without confirmation
Most of the times business owners needs Printing Order info without confirmation, because it will save them a lot of time and effort, so they don’t have to press the confirmation button for every single order printing operation.
So to Print Order info without confirmation you need to make some edits to your google chrome browser, and here’s what you need to do:
Launch Chrome and check that you have the latest version (18.0.1 or higher)
Type about:flags in the address bar and make sure that the Disable Print Preview flag is NOT enabled (Print preview must be enabled for Kiosk Printing to work).
Close the browser.
Find the browser shortcut on your desktop, right click and select ‘properties‘.
Append the following text to the end of the target field: ‘–kiosk-printing‘.
how to Print Order info without confirmation
Save, and launch Google Chrome. It should now load in full screen (kiosk) mode
The print preview will appear on your screen, but it will instantly send the file you want to your default printer.
Note that sometimes just closing chrome is not enough, so to make sure that chrome is off you need to Open task manager, go to processes, find Chrome, end the process, and then make the changes that we mentioned before.
And in the end of our article, we’ve discussed the importance of Printing Order info without confirmation, and how to Print Order info without confirmation, and from pexcode blog we wish you the best.
a key to use quick delivery system API – also called a Token- is needed because our servers will receive and proses a huge amount of customer requests, so we must have strict polices monitoring the traffic we receive, and throughout our api token method we can provide every business owner (app developer) with an unique api key (token) that can be used to access our services in a secured manner.
that’s why through pexcode blog we will answer the following questions, Why I need a key to use quick delivery system API, Is it important to protect the api token, and How To protect your API keys or tokens.
Why I need a key to use quick delivery system API
Using a key to access an API quick delivery system serves several important purposes:
Authentication: The key serves as a form of authentication, ensuring that only authorized users or applications can access the API, to prevent unauthorized access and protects the system from misuse or abuse.
Security: By requiring a key, the API provider can track and monitor usage, identifying any unusual or suspicious activity, this helps maintaining the security of the system and provides more protection against potential threats such as denial-of-service attacks or unauthorized data access.
Rate limiting: API keys can be used to enforce rate limits, ensuring that users or applications do not overwhelm the system with too many requests, this helps maintaining the stability and performance of the API for all users.
Tracking usage: API keys allow the provider to track usage statistics, such as the number of requests made, the types of requests, and the users making the requests, this information can be valuable for monitoring system usage, identifying trends, and optimizing performance.
First login with Admin account to https://management.quickdeliverysystem.com/login Menu -> setting -> Go to your app -> you will find yours applications and chose your app and View token and you can change your token like this .
Yes, it is crucial to protect API keys or tokens used to access quick delivery systems API, and Here’s why:
Unauthorized Access: If someone obtains your API key or token, they can potentially use it to access the API and perform actions on your behalf. This could lead to unauthorized data access, manipulation, or even service abuse.
Data Privacy: Many APIs provide access to sensitive data, If your API key is compromised, it could lead to a breach of privacy, exposing confidential information about your organization or your users.
Service Abuse: Malicious users may exploit unprotected API keys to abuse the API, causing disruptions to service availability, increased server costs, or other forms of damage.
Financial Implications: Some APIs have usage-based pricing models, where you are charged based on the number of API requests made, If unauthorized parties gain access to your API key, they could add significant costs by making excessive requests.
Store Securely: Keep your keys or tokens in a secure location, such as encrypted configuration files or secure key management systems.
Limit Access: Only provide API keys or tokens to trusted individuals or applications that require access to the API, Avoid hardcoding keys into client-side code or sharing them in publicly accessible repositories.
Rotate Keys: Regularly rotate your API keys or tokens to mitigate the impact of potential breaches. This helps limit the window of opportunity for attackers to exploit compromised keys.
Use Access Controls: Some API providers offer access control mechanisms, such as IP whitelisting or OAuth 2.0, to further restrict access to authorized users or applications.
In conclusion we’ve talked about Why I need a key to use quick delivery system API, Is it important to protect the API token, and How To protect your API keys or tokens.
use API Quick delivery system to have a better handle on your business, An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules and protocols that allows different software applications to communicate with each other, APIs are commonly used to enable integration between different systems, allowing them to share data and functionality.
That’s why we will talk more about Why I need to use API Quick delivery system, How can I register in the platform, How can I get the App token (key), How to add a new order to the platform, and how to track or delete the order.
Why I need to use API Quick delivery system
here’s what you need to use API Quick delivery system, Note when an API requires a token key and registration, it typically means that the API provider requires developers to authenticate themselves and obtain permission before they can access the API’s resources.
Here’s a breakdown of the process:
Registration: Before you can use the API, you usually need to register for an account on the API provider’s website Quick delivery system, this registration process may involve providing some personal or company information, agreeing to terms of service, and possibly verifying your email address.
Token Key: After registering, the API provider will typically provide you with a token key. This token key acts as a unique identifier for your application when making requests to the API. It’s like a password that grants you access to the API’s resources.
"uid":3, // here is Id user who will receive the order , you can use id from your system
"cost_order": 55,
"src_address": "address letters", //box address letters
"src_lat": "50.85986",
"dest_address": "address letters", // recipient address letters
"dest_lat": "50.8634053",
"dest_lng": "12.9575595",
"note": "note about order ", // note about your order like continue Contains breakable product
"dest_name":"Mussab Muhaimeed", // recipient name some times important
"dest_number": "123456", // telephone recipient number
"dest_email": "support@pexcode.com", // email recipient number
"sender_name": "123456", // sender name
"sender_address": "address letters", // sender address
"aender_email": "support@pexcode.com", // sender email
"task":"Box", // give the Task name like Box
"verification":0 // the employee can leave the order // 1 he need code from recipient to approved delivery process
not require
user id in your system , that help you to filter or find order for this user
not require
the cost delivery process
cost the box
letter address of the center
letter address recipient the order
The recipient name , it’s important to complete delivery process
not Require
can be “nothing here” write something important about this order like contained glass breakable
important to be true number the employees will call this number
Not require
we send notification track by email
must be by default “Box”
the sender name , we need it to return this order if we can’t find the recipient
Not require
we send notification track by email
the sender address
How many kilo gram
can be 1 or 2 this Obj will show or hide the cost in delivery employee app note :*** cost_order and price_order must be not null
"success": true,
"status": 200,
"message": "successfully created order",
"data": {
"id": 207, // is ID order
"admin": null,
"did": null,
"uid": 3, // is the same : here is Id user who will receive the order , you can use id from your system
"cid": 7, // your company ID
"appid": 1, // your app ID
"verification": 1,
"code": 5514,
"src_id": null,
"src_address": "address letters",
"src_lng": "12.92454",
"src_lat": "50.85986",
"dest_address": "address letters",
"dest_lng": "12.9575595",
"dest_lat": "50.8634053",
"task": "Box",
"dest_name": " Mussab",
"dest_number": "123456",
"dest_email": "support@pexcode.com",
"sender_name": "123456",
"sender_address": "address letter",
"sender_email": "support@pexcode.com",
"note": "note about order ",
"cost_order": 55,
"price_order": 44,
"status": -1,
"reported": 0,
"created_at": "2024-03-14T16:47:37.000Z",
"updated_at": "2024-03-14T16:47:37.000Z",
"uuid": "b96f7f80-a066-45aa-add0-b1e21d798a8f",
"service": {
"name": "Quick delivery system",
"number": "+49xxxxxxxxxx",
"id": 7,
"address": "address letters",
"avatar": "https://api.pexcode.com/qs/view/29/Png.png"
Wrong response will be like this response
"success": false,
"status": 422,
"message": "There is a validation error.",
"data": [
"msg": "src_address must be provided.",
"param": "src_address",
"location": "body"
This version (1.0) is no longer available. You can use the SDK or wait for the new version (2.0) to be released.
At the end of our article, we’ve talked about Why I need to use API Quick delivery system, how can I register in the platform, how can I get the App token (key), How to add a new order to the platform, and how to track or delete the order.
For app developers, stores, and also small business owners we brought our new API service to make your life easier So let’s say you have some morshindice in your store or storage and you’re looking for a way to make your sales grow large, so the first obvious choice is to offer delivery service to your products, but instead of going through the nightmare of hiring a full delivery staff and also buying a delivery bike or car you can just have the best and well-known delivery companies do it for you, and that’s where we came in with our API interface.
Where can I use the Delivery API interface
The API we offer is a service that you can add to your app That connects you to one of the delivery companies that work with us,so basically it’s just a link you add to your app
What services can we provide to you with our API interface
-Provide a list of the available delivery companies you can choose from. -providing you with the restaurants names and also locations via Google Maps. -keep track of your business with reports and records we provide for each app you have, containing every successful and also unsuccessful delivery order plus the delivery company commutation info. -alerting system to keep you informed of the orders status -SMS notification system through a monthly paid subscription.
Is the delivery API interface safe to use? and is it fast
Yes and yes, throughout the delivery process, we make sure to keep track of the order handling method, so we can know if any penalties should be given to whoever is responsible for any hold-up fraud or misleading. And misusing
Is it easy to use
Sure it’s, it contains 3 simple steps: -creating the delivery request and also receiving it from the delivery company -following up on the request by the delivery company staff -delivering the ordered goods to the specified address
How can I get it
Just visit our website: https://quickdeliverysystem.com/ And take your business to the next level also Contact us if you have any questions on: