Quick delivery system platform is the simple and elegant management system that can be the best tool for store and business owners to fully achieve their company full potential orders delivery wise, because a successful and bulletproof business model includes not just good quality products, it also needs the best delivery logistics and employee’s management system.
And from Quick Delivery platform we present to you a breif about Quick delivery system platform, Quick delivery system services, and how to use the quick delivery system.
Quick delivery system
Quick delivery system platform is a platform that provides delivery management services for stores, e-restaurants, and all types of stores.
The platform main purpose is managing employees and customers requests using state of the art systems that guarantees a 24/7 tracking and management of orders and employees.
The platform also offers Quick Delivery application for delivery employees that monitors and facilitate all of your delivery operations using google maps services.
Quick delivery system services
Quick delivery system services contain the following main categories:
- overall and monthly statistics.
- Making and managing Orders.
- Tracking orders from start to finish.
- Administrative messages between employees.
- ِAPI for developers.
How can I use the quick delivery system
You can use the quick delivery system after registering for an account on our platform through this link quickdeliverysystem.
Basically you can manage your whole delivery system using our user-friendly interface, from getting orders from customers to manganing employees and distributing the orders to them, with a full time precision order tracking using google maps.
In conclusion we’ve presented to you a breif about Quick delivery system platform, Quick delivery system services, and how to use the quick delivery system, and from Quick Delivery we wish you the best.