For app developers, stores, and also small business owners we brought our new API service to make your life easier
So let’s say you have some morshindice in your store or storage and you’re looking for a way to make your sales grow large, so the first obvious choice is to offer delivery service to your products, but instead of going through the nightmare of hiring a full delivery staff and also buying a delivery bike or car you can just have the best and well-known delivery companies do it for you, and that’s where we came in with our API interface.
Where can I use the Delivery API interface
The API we offer is a service that you can add to your app
That connects you to one of the delivery companies that work with us,so basically it’s just a link you add to your app

What services can we provide to you with our API interface
-Provide a list of the available delivery companies you can choose from.
-providing you with the restaurants names and also locations via Google Maps.
-keep track of your business with reports and records we provide for each app you have, containing every successful and also unsuccessful delivery order plus the delivery company commutation info.
-alerting system to keep you informed of the orders status
-SMS notification system through a monthly paid subscription.
Is the delivery API interface safe to use? and is it fast
Yes and yes, throughout the delivery process, we make sure to keep track of the order handling method, so we can know if any penalties should be given to whoever is responsible for any hold-up fraud or misleading.
And misusing

Is it easy to use
Sure it’s, it contains 3 simple steps:
-creating the delivery request and also receiving it from the delivery company
-following up on the request by the delivery company staff
-delivering the ordered goods to the specified address
How can I get it
Just visit our website:
And take your business to the next level
also Contact us if you have any questions on: